Holiness is Freedom: The Conclusion Aug 19th, 2018
JT Patton
Throughout this series we have said holiness is not really about us, but about God. That even the actions we need to change are about the glory of God, rather than us being “better” people. At the same time, holiness says something about how God views us. God’s sacrifice and effort to make his people positionally and practically holy before him shows us our true worth to God.
Love of the world vs Love of Christ Aug 12th, 2018
JT Patton
As God calls us into holiness he is also calling us away from a love of the world. To no longer pursue the things the world values, but purse Christ. Living that out and knowing how to pursue the right things can be really difficult. Thankfully God doesn’t leave us alone to figure this out.
Marital Intimacy Aug 5th, 2018
JT Patton
Warning the podcast episode is meant for mature listeners.
Pastor JT takes us on a journey of discovering why marital intimacy outside of God's plan is so dangerous while reminding us of it's beauty in both marriage and in it's likeness to the relationship between Christ and his bride; the church.
Sabbath Jul 29th, 2018
Jacob Miller
How important is it that we make our time “holy” in this life? How much (or little) have you thought about that before this Sunday? During this podcast Pastor Jake takes us deep with Jesus in order to examine our ideas about Sabbath.
How do we pursue holiness? Jul 22nd, 2018
JT Patton
Our pursuit of holiness is not about us, but about what God is doing in us. But if it is about God then how do we walk in holiness? How do we pursue holiness without it just becoming an obligation or striving to simply be moral? Christ tells us, abide and obey.
Holiness is Freedom: Part 2 Jul 15th, 2018
JT Patton
The call of Scripture is that we are to be holy as God is holy, but how can that be? It’s clear from the Bible that we are sinful and incapable for fully walking away from our sin, much less be holy. As with forgiveness, God hasn’t left us alone in our pursuit of him. It’s not primarily through effort that we are made holy, but by God himself.