at Williams Elementary

The One Man

Read Romans 5:12-21


Most of us have heard that we are born sinners, but have you ever processed all that really means? Romans helps us see that we are born into condemnation, we are born into sin. Romans also helps us see the story doesn’t end there. From the very beginning God had a plan for the problem of our sinful nature. A solution that is so much bigger than the problem of sin that it blows the difficulty of sinful nature out of the water.


  1. How do we know that we are born into sin and into the condemnation of sin? What is the evidence in the passage and what is the evidence in life?


  1. What does it mean for us that we are born into condemnation? What does that mean for our spirits, our lives, and our position before God?


  1. We said that being born with a sinful nature because of what Adam did might not seem fair, but that we really don’t want fair. What does “we don’t want fair” mean, and how does Christ blow the idea of fairness out of the water?


  1. How does this passage empower you to walk in confidence and peace before God in your everyday life and how could it help you communicate the gospel with others?