at Williams Elementary

The Gospel Advances

Read Philippians 1:12-14

1.  What sticks out to you in the passage or in the life of Paul?

2.  What do you think it means for us to advance the gospel today?  What does it look like, what are the challenges, and how do we make it harder than we should?

3.  Like Paul, we are called to advance the gospel wherever we are.  Where in your life could you start being more intentional in advancing the gospel where you are?

4. How can we encourage each other in being disciples that advance the gospel?  What gifts do you see in others in your group that could be used to advance the gospel?

5.  Take specific time to pray for God to use you and each other in the advancement of the gospel.  Pray specifically for that to happen in Tom Watkins neighborhood/Williams and pray that God would make clear to us if we will have a role in gospel advancement in El Salvador.