at Williams Elementary

Peace with God

Read Romans 5:1-2


This week we started a whole new section of Romans. One that starts laying out the implications of the fact that we are saved by grace through faith in the gospel. The first thing God wants us to see is we have peace with him, and because of that peace, we have access to our Father. But what does having peace really mean? What does it mean to have access to God? In these two important words, Gods wants us to learn how to fully rest and trust in him for all things.


  1. In Romans 5:1, what is it talking about when it says we have peace with God?


  1. What is Shalom, and how does it help us understand what it means to have peace with God? How does that affects how we view our relationship with God?


  1. Verse 2 said we have access to God. What does it mean to have access to God? Why is it so significant historically and biblically that we have access to God?


  1. How can having peace with God and access to God help you when your life doesn’t feel at peace?


  1. Where do you want to change or grow this week in your reliance, trust, or relationship with God? How do you specifically want to pursue the peace of God?