at Williams Elementary

Honor and Glory

We have talked a lot about God’s wrath and judgement for sin over the last few weeks, and today’s passage is no exception, but Paul also hints at an incredible promise. It’s not only that God will judge those who have no hope without Christ and his righteousness, but that God will reward those who have been made righteous by Christ when they do good in his name. God sharing his glory with us in staggering ways.


Read Romans 2:6-11

  1. Think about the context of the passage. Who is Paul mainly talking to and why do you think it matters?


  1. God is going to be just when judging our lives. We know the result if we are without Christ, but what does God seem to be promising if we do good for the sake of his name?


  1. Read Romans 8:16-18 and 1 Corinthians 15:42-43. What is God promising here?


  1. Do you think you live in the reality that God is promising staggering eternal reward for those who love Him and give their lives to do good in Jesus’ name? How do you think this should give us hope and motivate us in a gospel-centered way to do more for the name of Christ?