at Williams Elementary

Pastor Appreciation Sunday


Please help us celebrate our Elder Team.

As you know the life of an Elder is full.  From Sunday morning preaching, teaching, encouraging, and loving on each of us to through the week at Life Groups, phone conversations, text messages, coffee and lunch conversations.  

God has so blessed the body of Freshwater with men and their families who love and serve us well.

We will celebrate what God is doing at Freshwater through our Elder team on December 10, 2023.  Leading up to that date you will find card boxes near the Connect table on Sunday mornings.  (Boxes will be available for the Pattons, Percys, and Chatmans)  Every family and friend of Freshwater is encouraged to bring a card of appreciation for our Elders and their families.

With Love, 

Your Freshwater Deacon and Leadership Teams

Questions or Ideas? Please reach out to Ethan or Esther