at Williams Elementary

Romans 9:6-13

Read Romans 9:6-13


Do we want what is fair from God? Do we want God to give us what we deserve, or give us what we could never fully earn? That is what is really at the heart of Romans 9, God’s faithfulness to his children. Through some tough passages, we see a message coming through – we are not saved because of what we have done, but because God chooses us. 


  1. How does understanding the difficulties of the Jewish people at the time help us understand the heart of the passage?


  1. How are we sometimes still like 1st century Jews with our attitudes towards God?


  1. The end of Romans 8 and into Romans 9 leads us to believe that God chose us in Christ before we were born. Does that give comfort or cause confusion and difficulty? Why?


  1. Ultimately this is about God giving us peace in Christ. Although we break promises and at times lack faith, God’s promises and faithfulness towards his children never fail. How can this passage give us peace, hope and assurance?